Summary: The Communiqué Regarding the Change of the Flag of Boats Located Abroad or Flying A Foreign Flag into Turkish Flag (“Communiqué”) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 03.03.2017 with no. 29996.

The Communiqué Regarding the Change of the Flag of Boats Located Abroad or Flying A Foreign Flag into Turkish Flag (“Communiqué”) has been published in the Official Gazette dated 03.03.2017 with no. 29996.

This Communiqué applies to the release for free circulation of the goods covered by the sections no. 8901., 8901. of the Turkish Customs Tariff Schedule and of the yachts, cutters, boats and cruisers.

In the Communiqué, the conditions required by the port authorities for the registration of yachts, cutters, boats and cruisers, which are located abroad or flying a foreign flag, to maintain their free circulation are listed below:

  • A document showing that it was acquired before 27/1/2017 and that it is registered at the country whose flag it flies,
  • An undertaking stating that a cancellation certificate issued by the previous registry shall be submitted within 60 (sixty) days as from the date of application,
  • The Turkish identity number if the person in whose name the boat will be registered is a real person, or the signatory circular, the trade registry gazette and the tax identification number if it is a legal entity,
  • The online application for the boat’s name,
  • The receipt showing that the permit charge or fee has been deposited for registration in the home port log,
  • The measurement of boats to be registered in the ship registry performed in compliance with the national legislation,
  • The measurement values of the boat in the current records should be taken as the basis for the registration in the home port log.

Owner/owners of the boat are responsible for the performance of the measurement processes in compliance with the national legislation at the latest within 1 (one) year following the issuance of the home port log certificate.

Upon the request of the owner or, if there are more than one owner, one of the owners of yachts, cutters, boats and cruisers which meet the requirements in Article 4, the registration is performed by the port authority in the name of all the owners in the previous registration certificate. The customs procedures of the registered yachts, cutters, boats and cruisers are completed within sixty days after the port authority notifies the relevant customs authority of the registration. Such notification substitutes the documents required under the Export Legislation.

By this Communiqué, the Communiqué Regarding the Ships, Marine Vessels and Inland Vessels of Private Use Which Have a Turkish Owner but Fly a Foreign Flag (Communiqué No: 2009/3) has been repealed.

* The views expressed in this memo are aimed only at providing brief information on the relevant subject matter. This memo does not constitute a legal document or a legal opinion or legal advice. Please do not hesitate to contact our offices should you require more detailed information on any of the issues mentioned in this memo.

The information given in this note are aimed only at providing information, and does not serve as a legal opinion under any circumstances.