Bugün, Rekabet Kurumu’nun resmi internet sitesinde, İstanbul Gübre San. A.Ş. (“İGSAŞ”) [...]


Resmi Gazete’de Hurdaya Ayrılan Türk Bayraklı Gemilerin Yerlerine Yeni Gemi İnşa Edilmesinin Teşvikine Dair Yönetmelikte Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik yayımlanmıştır.

23.03.2024 tarihli ve 32498 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de, Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı [...]

Resmi Gazete’de Hurdaya Ayrılan Türk Bayraklı Gemilerin Yerlerine Yeni Gemi İnşa Edilmesinin Teşvikine Dair Yönetmelikte Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik yayımlanmıştır.2024-06-12T16:30:47+03:00

As per the Decision of the Constitutional Court Published in the Official Gazette, It is Decided to Cancel the Provisional Article 31 Which was Added to the Law No. 4046 on Privatization Practices under the Law No. 7429

By a provisional Article 30 which was added to the Law [...]

As per the Decision of the Constitutional Court Published in the Official Gazette, It is Decided to Cancel the Provisional Article 31 Which was Added to the Law No. 4046 on Privatization Practices under the Law No. 74292024-06-12T16:30:18+03:00


Competition Law Highlights Contents 01: Mergers and Acquisitions 02: Investigations 03: Noteworthy Announcements [...]


The reasoned decision of the Turkish Competition Board concerning Allergan İlaçları Tic. A.Ş. dated 8.9.2022 no. 22-41/594-248 is published on the website of the Turkish Competition Authority.

The reasoned decision of the Turkish Competition Board concerning Allergan İlaçları Tic. [...]

The reasoned decision of the Turkish Competition Board concerning Allergan İlaçları Tic. A.Ş. dated 8.9.2022 no. 22-41/594-248 is published on the website of the Turkish Competition Authority.2023-04-19T00:16:04+03:00

The Turkish Competition Board’s Modanisa/Sefamerve Decision, A Landmark Decision Revealing The Approach Of The Turkish Competition Board Towards Negative Matching Agreements

The Turkish Competition Board's (the "TCB") recently published Modanisa/Sefamerve decision[1] (25.11.2021, 21-57/789-389) [...]

The Turkish Competition Board’s Modanisa/Sefamerve Decision, A Landmark Decision Revealing The Approach Of The Turkish Competition Board Towards Negative Matching Agreements2023-02-22T18:27:21+03:00

Turkey: Regional Administrative Court Upheld The Turkish Competition Board’s Jurisdiction To Request The Data Belonging To Foreign Entities From Their National Extensions In Turkey

Introduction On 26.10.2022, Ankara Regional Administrative Court's 8th Administrative Chamber ("Regional Court") [...]

Turkey: Regional Administrative Court Upheld The Turkish Competition Board’s Jurisdiction To Request The Data Belonging To Foreign Entities From Their National Extensions In Turkey2023-06-22T14:30:49+03:00

Ordinary Partnerships

Introduction Ordinary partnerships are gaining popularity in Turkey over the past [...]

Ordinary Partnerships2023-02-21T13:16:37+03:00

The Board’s Taxim/Doğanay Decision

The Turkish Competition Board (“Board”) recently published its Taxim/Doğanay decision[1] where [...]

The Board’s Taxim/Doğanay Decision2023-02-21T13:21:02+03:00


As of 1st of January 2019, PTT is authorized to [...]



e-Apostil 15 Mart 2018 tarihinde Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe giren [...]


Decision of Data Protection Board

Personal Data Protection Board’s decision of 16/10/2018 with no. 2018/119, regarding the [...]

Decision of Data Protection Board2020-11-15T00:46:20+03:00

Yabancı Tahkim Ve İhtiyati Haciz

Bir ihtilafın yabancı bir ülkede tahkim yoluyla halline ilişkin sözleşme imzalandığı hallerde, [...]

Yabancı Tahkim Ve İhtiyati Haciz2020-11-15T00:53:44+03:00

Amendments Made Regarding the Competent Courts in Charge of Handling Actions for Annulment Brought against Arbitration Awards and the Competent Courts in Charge of Handling Certain Procedures in Arbitration

By “The Law No. 7101 on the Amendment of the Enforcement and [...]

Amendments Made Regarding the Competent Courts in Charge of Handling Actions for Annulment Brought against Arbitration Awards and the Competent Courts in Charge of Handling Certain Procedures in Arbitration2020-11-15T00:58:01+03:00

Yatırım Ortamlarının İyileştirilmesi Amacıyla Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun’un Ticari İşletmelerde Taşınır Rehni Kanunu’na Getirdiği Değişiklikler

15 Şubat 2018 tarihinde kabul edilen 7099 sayılı Yatırım Ortamının İyileştirilmesi Amacıyla [...]

Yatırım Ortamlarının İyileştirilmesi Amacıyla Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun’un Ticari İşletmelerde Taşınır Rehni Kanunu’na Getirdiği Değişiklikler2020-11-15T01:04:39+03:00
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